
Delete my account

All of your account data will be permanently removed from our servers forever. This action cannot be undone.

This action will not affect the YouTube API Data relating to any YouTube Content Owners associated with your Google account. Therefore this action will not affect any other users with access to the same Content Owners as you.

Data stored on YouTube will not be affected and no changes will be made to your YouTube Content Owner as a result of this action. To delete data on YouTube, you must use a YouTube Application or an authorized API Client that supports the ability to delete that data.

Delete all YouTube API Data

All of your account data and all YouTube API Data related to your account will be permanently removed from our servers forever. This action cannot be undone.

This action applies to all of the YouTube Content Owners associated with your Google account. This action will also affect any other users with access to the Content Owners.

Data stored on YouTube will not be affected and no changes will be made to your YouTube Content Owner as a result of this action. To delete data on YouTube, you must use a YouTube Application or an authorized API Client that supports the ability to delete that data.

You can revoke access to this data at any time by removing the Observant Service Account ( from your YouTube Content Owner in YouTube Studio.